- Students are required to bring their identity card to school every day.
- Students are required to go to the Assembly ground as soon as the bell for the Assembly rings.
- Students should always be neatly dressed, with their shoes polished and hair done properly.
- They should turn out neatly in school uniform daily and on all school functions.
- Students who are improperly or shabbily dressed would be fined.
- Boys should get their hair cut on regular intervals. (Not Sikh Boys) No student should shout, whistle or disturb the working of the school.
- Students must take care of the school property. Damaging school furniture, writing on the walls or disfiguring school property will be dealt strictly. Reports regarding damage to school property should be given to the class teacher or to the Principal immediately.
- Students are advised not to bring costly articles to the school. Any loss of such articles or money should be reported to the class or subject teacher immediately. The school will not be responsible for such losses.
- Students are advised to handover the articles found in the school to their class teacher.
- Students are not allowed to use the school office telephone without the permission of the Principal/Coordinator.
- Students will not be permitted to attend telephone calls during their class hours except in an emergency.
- Students are forbidden to practice any borrowing or lending.
Parents and guardians are not permitted to the classroom to meet their wards. Students cannot be taken away during school hours without the written permission of the Principal / Coordinator.
- The school gate will be closed 10 minutes after the scheduled time in summers and winters.
- All late arrivals (if they arrive after the gate has been closed) will have to be accompanied by the parents.
- Three late arrivals would lead to the student being sent back home.
a) Reminder 1 : To be issued by the Rep. for a period of three days and signed by the Principal. The card is to be returned to the Rep. Three red cards mean one yellow card. The card is to be issued for the following:
- Repeated carelessness and untidy work.
- Coming to school in improper uniform.
- Coming late to school Not bringing almanac to school.
- Misbehavior in the bus & classroom.
- Missing tests repeatedly.
- Not submitting an application for absence immediately after joining back.
b) Reminder 2 (Final): To be issued by the Rep. for a period of Five days. This is to be signed by the class teacher, Rep., Principal and Parent. This is also to be signed after every period by the concerned subject teacher. At the end of five days, the card is to be signed by the principal and returned to the Rep. two yellow cards will mean suspension from school for three days. Three Yellow cards will mean expulsion from the school. The yellow card will be five for:
- Missing classes, assembly, SUPW, Library, PE etc.
- Inappropriate behavior in the school premises.
- Cheating during any test or exam.
- Damaging school property
- Rude or insolent behavior with a teacher.
- Students who have been sick shall bring a medical certificate from their doctor on joining school. A copy of the certificate is to be submitted and signed by the school office for follow up.
- Parents should fill up the "RECORD FOR NON ATTENDANCE' for each day when the student is absent from school, stating the reasons for absence.
- Students who require medical attention during school hours may be sent by the teacher to the clinic with a slip.
- Anyone who has been absent on the previous day will not be admitted to the class without a letter from the parent, addressed to the Principal through the class teacher, stating the reason for the absence.
- Leave can be granted on special grounds.
- All students returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagio disease should produce a doctor's certificate permitting him to do so.
- Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for mo days renders the student liable to have his name struck off the ro n may be granted only on a payment of fresh admission fee.
- It is compulsory for the students to complete their attendance in th norms to make them eligible to sit for their final examination.
- The percentages will not be eligible to sign the roll of honour or receive any prizes. during the session will not be eligible for the school badges or any other academic awards.
- Students who do not take any exam / test during the session will not be eligible for school badges or any other academic awards.
- Parents will deposit quarterly fees in cash/cheque latest by 10th April, 10th July, 10th Oct & 10th January for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th quarters respectively.
- Cash will be accepted by the Bank from 1st to 15th of April, July, October and January respectively.
- Fees of 1st quarter will be deposited in school office.
- Late fee fine of Rs.10/- per day will be charged after due date.
- Three clear English months' notice in writing or 3 months' fees in lieu of such a notice must be given before a pupil can be withdrawn.
- Those who leave the school in May must in all cases pay the fee for the month of June.
- Transfer certificates are not issued until all the dues of the school are settled.
- Students can be asked to leave the school on disciplinary ground and unsatisfactory progress in work.
- A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school especially if he/she is below average in that class.
- No security will be refunded to those who leave in the middle of the session. Security can be claimed only within a period of one year after the withdrawal of the student.
- Security (Interest free) is refundable after obtaining the No dues certificate from the Principal.
- Fee may be paid either in cash/demand draft or pay order cheque in favour of "GLH Public School to the Accounts office.
- If the cheque bounces the fees of that quarter will be deposited in the school office along with a penalty of Rs 500/-.
- Bus service is optional.
- Fee of Rs. 150 payable in cash at the time of Registration and for school prospectus is neither refundable nor transferable.
- Registration does not provide guarantee for admission.
- If any suggestion/complaint mail us at: principal@glhpublicschool.com or management@glhpublicschool.com
Note: Please contact the Principal only when no one else listed above can attend to your problem.